
happy new year's eve!

cheers! good riddance to 2010!

i hate to be a debbie downer, but this year [overall] was not so great to me. i had a lot of hard times with only a few great memories and accomplishments [getting my BFA, getting chosen to blog for the CNE, seeing Lady Gaga in concert, celebrating my birthday with mustaches, buying a michael kors bag (with gold detailing, not silver) and going to New York (that was still a pretty lonely trip)].

i'm not in the frame of mind to be making goals for the new year and acting optimistic for what is to come [though i know there are many exciting changes that will happen] because my year has ended off on a very bad note- i am getting over a very rough break up. what can i say ladies [and gents]? my heart is broken. and it hurts like hell. 

i guess as decades go, it was a good one. i completed three levels of schooling, and have grown a lot from my 12-year-old-days. i guess i am just ready to move on and keep going. and find the things that make me happy. but i know it'll take some time.

i might even be spending this night all alone [seriously, that is going to suck] but i wish you and yours a smashing good time!

oh, hey 2011!
i'm Angela Anne. let's be friends, k?


merry christmas eve!

wishing everyone a very merry christmas with family and friends and special memories! <3
i am off to bake some yummy gingerbread! 
and watch christmas movies yay!!!!


go check this out!

Ms. Julie Ross Christmas is having the most darling (and exciting) Christmas Giveaway!
enter while you can and make sure to follow her blog- this girl is truly a gem!

plus! i am currently in the process of 'Christmas-fying' her blog- check back soon for a cute new layout! <3

toodle-oo again!,
Angela Anne